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  • bigjobby
    Apr 12, 06:26 PM
    I've downloaded the update - how do I get ical and Outlook to sync?

    I can't get this to work either even when the correct sync services box is checked. :confused:

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  • madina
    Nov 10, 02:59 PM
    I don't believe I'd use this for payment. Well not if I had my debit card on me.
    RFID Maybe useful for locating the device if it was stolen. Please Apple, can you render these small & expensive mobile devices useless if they are stolen?! It would deter thieves!

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  • str1f3
    Apr 17, 12:16 PM
    The good news is that Apple's iPhone OS won't be the dominating mobile platform for much longer. The sales numbers show that Android is quickly gaining momentum, and Google's marketplace is not censored at all and developers can choose whatever development tool they want to produce software for Android.

    Just because they went from 2.5% to 5.2% in the US means nothing. Apple is at 25%. It is a lot harder to get into the higher market. All that they've been showing is that they can take some of Palm and WM6 marketshare.


    Apple will soon fall back into that little niche where they came from. And they deserve it because of their megalomaniac behavior and arrogant attitude.

    History is going to repeat itself because Apple hasn't learned from their mistakes in the past. They lost the desktop to Microsoft because Apple refused to open their platform to third parties. Now they will lose the mobile market to Google.

    Do you mean history will repeat itself like the Mac/PC wars or like the iPod? Maybe I'm missing something when you say "They lost the desktop to Microsoft because Apple refused to open their platform to third parties" because what comes to my mind is ActiveX and DirectX.

    The WePad is going to ship in July. Even if it might not be as sexy as the over-hyped iPad, it is an OPEN device. And in the end, the open platform will win.

    You do realize that no one is really mentioning the WePad (lol) except pretty much Germany. Go look at the current success of the iPad. If you think you can just blow up Android apps and it will be just like the iPad you're fooling yourself.

    As for your Android is "OPEN" comment, I don't think you know what "open" actually means.

    Is Android Evil? (http://www.visionmobile.com/blog/2010/04/is-android-evil/)

    1. Private branches. There are multiple, private codelines available to selected partners (typically the OEM working on an Android project) on a need-to-know basis only.

    2. Closed review process. All code reviewers work for Google, meaning that Google is the only authority that can accept or reject a code submission from the community.

    3. Speed of evolution. Google innovates the Android platform at a speed that�s unprecedented for the mobile industry, releasing 4 major updates (1.6 to 2.1) in 18 months. OEMs wanting to build on Android have no choice but to stay close to Google so as not to lose on new features/bug fixes released.

    4. Incomplete software. The public SDK is by no means sufficient to build a handset. Key building blocks missing are radio integration, international language packs, operator packs � and of course Google�s closed source apps like Market, Gmail and GTalk.

    5. Gated developer community. Android Market is the exclusive distribution and discovery channel for the 40,000+ apps created by developers; and is available to phone manufacturers on separate agreement.

    6. Anti-fragmentation agreement. Little is known about the anti-fragmentation agreement signed by OHA members but we understand it�s a commitment to not release handsets which are not CTS compliant.

    7. Private roadmap. The visibility offered into Android�s roadmap is pathetic. At the time of writing, the roadmap published publicly is a year out of date (Q1 2009). To get a sneak peak into the private roadmap you need Google�s blessing.

    8. Android trademark. Google holds the trademark to the Android name; as a manufacturer you can only leverage on the Android branding with approval from Google.

    On a more personal note: I do not need and I do not want Apple to tell me what I can read or see on my device. If I want to see naked flesh, then it's none of Apple's business and they have ZERO rights to deny me that. (I'm European - we're not prude here and we prefer sex over violence.) If I want to use software that directly competes with Apple's own offers, then obviously their competition is giving me something that I like better than Apple's software products.

    As much as I like Apple's computers, I hate their entire AppStore and iPhone SDK policies with a passion.

    What you want is a bigger walled garden. You are primarily to only use Google services on Android. I don't like the App Store policies but to simply put out that with Android "is all about choice" is naive. To use half the apps in the Android marketplace your phone has to be rooted (jailbroken).

    Ultimately I'd like for Apple to allow third party apps to be downloaded outside of the App Store and can understand why Jobs doesn't want to offer questionable apps on iTunes.

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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 24, 03:11 AM
    What is pissing me off at this stage is not that the console launches tomorrow or fears over shortages etc, it's the fact that 95% of the launch titles haven't even made it to review which is never a good sign.

    I suspect we are going to see a lot of turkeys tomorrow.


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  • magicpinkdrink
    Apr 23, 09:10 PM
    I think I'm going to take it in anyways, first chance I get...I just feel like it's too unreliable and what if it happens again and there's an emergency where I need my phone? For what I paid for this thing, I shouldn't be worrying all the time that it will brick itself for no reason with no warning. I'm just concerned that if I take it in and it's working they won't swap it, and the closest Apple store is an hour away.

    And don't worry, I try to back it up once a day or so...yes I am ocd :)

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  • NT1440
    Mar 29, 06:36 PM
    I love how so many here buy into this crap and denounce these things as PR stunts with no evidence.

    A man can't have some ****ing coffee with a friend? Damn.:rolleyes:


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  • efoto
    Sep 17, 10:22 AM
    Wow, I am the brink of being completely floored by all the responses, some of which are heartfelt, the others make my sides hurt :D

    I had intended, at the time of authoring, that this be a legitimate question....I really could use some advice :o , but the slew of pseudo-humorous to outrageously inappropriate (in the best way possible) has been great, thank you all for those too.

    I realize asking straight up is probably the best way to do it, however that can be harder than it seems for some people. I am quite extroverted and do well with people in most situations, however if I set my sights on a girl that I like I get a little cotton-mouthed and never have the right words. Thinking this, I never approach and being said words because I am convinced they are wrong.

    What follows is very long, overly rich, and poorly written. Proceed with caution.

    Alright, so with some ambiguity (to protect myself, I pray she is not a MR member :p), here is what has happened, leading up to the question for advice:
    Go to Apple Store, browse around and tell all the male workers I am just looking and do not require or want their assistance. Wait for some time until I see a cute female employee working nearby. She becomes free, I ask her a question regarding an Apple product (go figure), at the time Tiger because I was still running Panther. We start talking, this leads to that, off-topic conversations that we both seem to be enjoying, the whole while I am wondering if it is okay for her to "hangout" talking to me like this. Don't you have other people to help?
    Eventually she wanders off to help someone else. I browse for a while longer, another female approaches and I being exchanging words with her, in regards to OSX in general, which she does not know the answers to. She calls the first girl over, who also does not know. The three of us proceed to stand around a single system, trying to figure out how to do what it is I asked how to do. This whole time, I am quite confident in the solution, however I am quite curious in their suggestion for a solution.
    Alright, anyway. So she leaves after swinging by to say goodbye, because she is about to be done with work. I decide to purchase Tiger, which once I reach the counter they inform me I cannot exercise my student pricing in B&M stores. Dismayed and cheated, I return the product to the shelf and proceed to exit the store, since my product cannot be purchased and the lovely help has all but left for the day.
    Transition 10-15 minutes in advance. I am no longer in the Apple Store, and am meandering around the mall looking for something else. I happen to stop at a store where the storefront is partially in the mall (when looking at the products, I am still on "neutral ground"). She walks by. I notice her, but don't really know what to say so I say nothing. She continues to pass, and then it comes. I hear "hey", turn, and am greeted by none other than the lovely Apple Store employee who left me to finish her shift. She looks even better without the baggy green shirt and lassoed name-tag. I return her 'greeting' and she gives an offering, jokingly, of advice in regards to the store I am standing at. I give a not-so-witty reply (lost my words, again), and after a short exchange she says, "see you later". Now she might have even said "hope to...." before that, but I am not sure so I won't assume it was said.
    Fast forward a week or so. Next time I am in town I go to the Apple Store again. I see the same girl working, further back in the store. I meander in the front for a short while, and then muster the courage to purge deeper into the belly. We make eye-contact for a short instant. Next thing I know, she is taking off towards the back room, never to be seen again (or for as long as my patience lasted). She is back there some time, so I eventually leave, since I was never really looking at anything in the store. Another weekend, similar encounter save for this time I was with a friend of mine. I make eye-contact with her again, briefly, and next thing I know she b-lines it for the back room. I don't see her again as I am not looking for anything, my friend is a moron and doesn't use Macs so he isn't interested, and we leave shortly after entering.

    Alright, now if she has a good memory and likes me at all, she would probably remember that exchange. I have a great memory, hence my recollection of the events. So the gist being, I suck when it comes to talking with girls. I have a lot of girl friends because I am a ''nice guy'', but I have very few dating relationship currently (at 0 sadly), and am looking to increase those. Any advice to how to approach and what is a valid offer of something to do for a first date that isn't overly forward?

    If you survived reading that entire installment, I commend you.
    If you have reached the end without reading the middle, that is quite fine, just give your advice on how to talk to women.

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    Aug 19, 06:11 PM
    There will be a way to turn it off(better be), it's not working yet either.

    it's working now


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  • jrlcopy
    Apr 30, 10:29 AM
    I remember reading on Best Buy Canada's website that if you pre-order the game you get access to the Beta... I wonder if that goes for Mac too or just PC. But yeah, I can't wait to see how well it will end up running on the 13" MBP with the "killer graphics"!

    Preorder the game from gamestop and you get a beta key also.

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  • ro2nie
    Aug 14, 10:22 AM
    Yay! 20 more ads

    Oh here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjpn3L3bSJQ&mode=related&search=) I found some new "get a mac" ads


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  • MattDell
    Oct 26, 01:14 PM
    Just got back from Regents! Scored a t-shirt and got Leopard. I feel bad for the people who didn't realise you could go upstairs and check out. The queue downstairs was appalling! I was in & out in about 5 minutes. Then by the time I got out the queue was still all the way down the street!

    And yes, the no student discount was bs!


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  • WildCowboy
    Nov 21, 04:53 PM
    I find these comments about the website interesting...I guess we care more about a flashy site than a site that just provides the information on what they do in a simple effective way....

    I take it that they are spending their money on developing the chip and not on web design. :p

    In the business world, you need to be able to make a good impression. If you have a flashy website and nothing behind it, you're going nowhere. If you have good substance but poor presentation of it, you can still succeed, but it can be a lot harder than if you've got it presented well.

    Sitting down for an hour with GoLive would provide them with a much better front door to the world. Starting a tech company is hard, but it's easier if you excel in all areas of your business. And yes, publicity is one of those areas.


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  • DaveGee
    Apr 16, 03:48 PM
    And hopefully Fiore will do a cartoon about it :p ... well maybe not, his app could be banned again :eek:

    Yea unless he's awarded another Pulitzer that is... :rolleyes:

    Apple is really disgusting me with this $#*(%&*( behavior. They really need to completely reevaluate their criteria and make it CRYSTAL EFFING CLEAR what IS and was IS NOT acceptable and then stand by it. None of this 'reject Google Voice because it duplicates functionality' and then 'approve the Opera web browser'. Reject an APP because it 'ridicules public figures' and then plead that the author to resubmit it once he's awarded a Pulitzer...

    This wishy washy crap is really showing everyone just how UNDERHANDED they treat the whole process.

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  • ThunderSkunk
    Jun 30, 04:14 PM
    I keep seeing reference today to Verizon having announced that they'll be carrying the iPhone in Jan. ...in USA TODAY, CA's National Post, etc...


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  • snberk103
    Mar 22, 11:13 AM
    Great thread for all of us green thumbs out there! Of all the specialized forums I have belonged to, none of the folks are as helpful as the photographers. IMHO

    ... Although, one can look to the future too! This is the beauty of photography! There are no rules, limits, or boundaries, hence zero gravity! :)

    Two Thumbs Up on photographers are the nicest people!

    I have the good fortune to live in a small community that is crawling with photographers. The entire island is 10,000 people and we have close to a dozen internationally recognized/award winning shooters. We have one camera club, plus two and half informal groups of photographers (roughly grouped from amateurs to retired pros (with lots of overlap in the groups) that mount between 2 to 4 annual group shows in the local community art's complex. The longest running show hangs close to a 100 photos each year, and we have a waiting list of people trying to get into the group. One of the rules is that the images shown have to be "New" to island.

    Most of the other non-media specific art groups/guilds accept photographers as full members (rare!) so in fact one can come and visit my little island just about anytime, and see some photography hanging in show somewhere. Just like a big city, eh?

    And - almost without exception - the nicest people on this island of ours are photographers. We socialize together. We bump into each other on the street. We have dinner and beers together. We are constantly thinking up new shows we should be doing. Sigh. Sometimes (just occasionally!) I wish I could go out and not talk shop. "Too many d*mn photographers!" I've been heard to say....

    Any way.... yes.... photographers are good people....

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  • peter02l
    Mar 24, 04:14 AM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone.

    You do contracts everyday with the Navy? This is the Army!


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  • Thex1138
    Jun 15, 11:59 PM
    In Australia the iPhone is spruiked by ALL carriers... and is not locked in to a contract... this has helped propel the hand set to a 400+ percent increase in market share and sell over 2 million hand sets...
    The new Apple mantra appears to be propagating to other markets... no contracts, multiple carriers!

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  • vancleef
    Apr 11, 05:20 PM
    Haha, spoiled Americans ;)
    Cheapest in my town, Gothenburg, Sweden, is $8,5 per gallon...

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 13, 01:27 PM
    In a LOT of people's mind, it's broken until they put support for Exchange 2003/WebDAV back in.

    Why would they do that? Support for Exchange 2003 is going away. Microsoft gave a roadmap 5 years ago which showed companies when to start planning Exchange upgrades.

    Sep 25, 10:52 AM
    The site has been updated!

    May 3, 01:53 PM
    Alright, here we go Apple: I *will* buy a 13" MacBook Air on the day of the next refresh if it can have:

    - Core i5 processors (Won't happen)
    - SD card slot (Already has one)
    - backlit keyboard (Good chance it will have one)
    - integrated 3G/LTE (Its a laptop, not a cellphone)
    - 10-hour battery life to match the iPad (Don't see how the battery can get any bigger)

    A tall order, of course, but one can hope.

    Hey Apple: I'll still buy one even if you don't quite manage to fit in the last two (but please try to increase battery life anyway).

    Thomas Veil
    Apr 10, 04:35 PM
    LoL they made 30billion of cuts. Ten times that wouldn't even be enough to save the US economy from absolute ruin. The Democrats are completely clueless as to the danger america is facing and even the republicans think it can be fixed by 60 billion.

    The debt ceiling is the last stand for america's economy. If it is raised the total collapse of the US economy is set in stone and it will only be a matter of time.

    btw Thomas Veil, your signature is actually false. It was true for some of the 2000s but even if you took all of the money from all the bankers, wall st

    Apr 12, 04:16 PM
    Have you actually used it or are you just talking crap? The new version is actually really good and in my opinion BETTER than Apples product.

    Agreed. A lot of people gave the previous Office crap (and rightfully so), but I've been very impressed with Office '11 and haven't looked back.

    Dropped Apple Mail for Outlook, gave up on Pages a long long time ago, and Keynote's a nice toy to play with time to time. Office '11 for Mac is a very impressive showing on Microsoft's part.

    Apr 24, 04:23 AM
    why isnt my fah using cpu cycles? i dl's the client and started it in sys prefs

    never mind, its going

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