
images .com/exhibition/nazism/ nazism. More on nazism here.
  • More on nazism here.

  • qasleuth
    02-25 10:39 AM
    kudos to what u accomplished in July 2007, but the reality is we haven't seen any major action after that. I guess its mostly frustration from ppl here, who think that the US housing/EB crisis can be pursued aggressively than expecting for CIR to happen.


    Your suggestion to pursue this option gels really well with the below proposal

    To quote realizeit:

    "I believe the above proposal is a small step in the eyes of the protectionists where as it is a big leap for all retrogressed country applicants. We may be able to achieve this using administrative fix or an action from the Executing branch, as this won’t change the annual GC quota of 140000. Apart from this, this will encourage all those skilled immigrants to invest in American economy within 1-2 years of filing AOS application. At present most of us are sending our money to our home countries as our situation is so uncertain. This effort will definitely help the ailing economy and will serve as a boost to the housing market."

    wallpaper More on nazism here. nazism. Nazism was a political method
  • Nazism was a political method

  • seekerofpeace
    09-22 09:24 AM
    How can ur case be preadjudicated, yet not assigned to an officer. For my wife's case wea re told several times that her case is not preadjudicated but is with an officer. My case is approved and the officer I talked to said that it seems that her case is with the same officer who approved my case...and that her case is pending possibly becoz of biom issues on my and her case...she said she is sending a request to upload the biom again...wait for 2 weeks...not sure if there will be any positive result but what can we do other that WAIT



    nazism. the rise of German Nazism.
  • the rise of German Nazism.

  • luckylavs
    06-18 12:46 PM
    THis thread is confusing a lot of people. My understanding in once 1485 is pending , one can to county office get EAD card after a month. Gurus please input your comments

    2011 Nazism was a political method nazism. from album apartheid is nazism
  • from album apartheid is nazism

  • nrk
    08-11 10:24 AM
    I was current for 2 months in 2008, didn't get. lets hope for the best

    Thanks nrk. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I was current for two months in 2008 but did not get. So hoping for the best this time but again I would not be surprised if I don't get it, especially looking at USCIS/DOS works.


    nazism. Nazism-in-Germany
  • Nazism-in-Germany

  • walking_dude
    09-22 02:10 PM
    Let me be objective, as much I can be, here.

    ....there would have been more than 2,000 in DC.........but clearly they did not.......i was willing to give it a shot - but unfortunately could not and did not want to specifically postpone something else to make it to DC.......

    Dear Sir, you didn't attend ,thinking that it was unworthy of postphoning a meeting. And yet you lament not more than 2,000 attended.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at such statements.

    .........those were different times and different issues.........colonialism, racial discrimination etc........who would employ us in the Gandhi's days - they did not have electronic background checks......!!

    The core issue is the same, back then and today - fight against Injustice, ill-treatment of human beings by Government.

    Here's why Gandhi inspires people like me in our struggle.

    "BE the change you'd like to see in the World" ( Gandhi's polite way of saying - cribbing doesn't help. Do it yourself, or ....)

    He also said - " It's a bigger sin to suffer injustice than committing it" . [ He wasn't appreciative about Do-Nothings. Not at all. He called them the "greater sinners", as their silence encourages even more injustice]

    I agree with you on one thing though. Gandhis struggle was bigger than ours. Ours is nothing compared to it - You talk of no "background checks" in Gandhis time... when people used to be beaten on their head for marching peacefully. Many of them would bleed to death. Our struggle may be inspired by Gandhiji, but we will never be able to match the sacrifices made by othose martyrs. We may be inspired by Gandhis principles, but we can never be the Gandhi.

    But the least we can do to respect that great man, is to follow some of his principles (like those stated above) in to our daily lives. Is that too much to ask?

    Another take - if US can have an endless source of temporary workers coming in, paying into income tax and social security taxes and medicare taxes for a few years......and going back without claiming a single dime of social benefits......its the best possible situation for US....a forever young, qualified, minimum wages (i.e prevailing wages) earning tax paying transient population supporting/ subsidizing an archaic and otherwise struggling social security and healthcare system.

    Another of those arm-chair conspiracy theories. Knowledge retention is critical to companys success. A guy fresh out of college is never equivalent a guy with several years of experience in the same field. Dollar value is dropping, Rupee is rising, salaries in India are rising. If people cannot get GC in a short period of time, there would very little incentive in coming and working here. As you must be aware most H1s these days are used to outsource work to India (by Infy and others), and not to get people to work permanently here. I suggest you read the Kauffman report thoroughly to understand the situation. create a nice "politically correct shield" for people's own private agendas (and the collective agenda of all of us) - to get a GC. Are we here to improve america's competitiveness (if that was the primary purpose of our coming here - shame on us for not staying back and improving our respective motherlands' competitiveness) or our own future - if the latter - lets call a spade a spade.........

    I admire your gall in dismissing us as shameless, self-serving, unpatriotic liars,in polite words of course , while doing absolutely nothing to help our cause.

    Let me put this politely. "Don't do unto others, what you don't want others do unto you". Don't cast aspersions others, if you don't others to cast aspersions on you.

    so - whats the "so what" from my post? is it to critique what IV is doing - no! The "so what" is - unless there are drastic and dramatic measures - concrete changes are not possible........small procedural victories - maybe........drastic way!

    Dear Sir, what do YOU suggest that we do? You think peaceful rallies won't work. On the one hand, you suggest only disobedience movement will work. On the other, you scare us ,saying if we do that we are in deep-six.

    In other words, you'd have us 'Do Nothing At All', and hope that our issues will vanish miraculously by the magic of Harry Potter.

    Dear Sir, you deserve a Noble prize for your theories

    nazism. the fall of nazism by
  • the fall of nazism by

  • vpa_2009
    03-17 02:58 PM
    Thanks to start this. No offense for EB2 but EB3 is going nowhere. We have to do something for it. Kindly spread the word and come up with ideas to work on it.


    nazism. Liberalism and Nazism: some
  • Liberalism and Nazism: some

  • bkarnik
    04-26 09:06 AM
    Let's do it..

    As you forward the article to your friends, do not forget to include the www address of this site and be sure to request a contribution.

    Good JOB IV team...:cool:

    2010 the rise of German Nazism. nazism. .com/exhibition/nazism/
  • .com/exhibition/nazism/

  • raju123
    07-09 12:16 PM
    Good logiclife.

    We have 24H to work hard to create maximum awareness to media. Please don't forget to mansion Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy behind this flower campaign. Let's work hard today and see the impact tomorrow. I wish some news channel cover live delivery of flowers at USCIS HQ.

    I am not saying that it is working on the USCIS. We dont know yet coz the flowers start reaching there tommorow. If it is working on USCIS, we would know by the end of the week. Not now.

    But it is working on the media.

    What I am saying is we are getting a good amount of attention from a lot of newspapers - which is important to create more awareness on the plight of half a million law abiding immigrants and the backlogs they are facing.


    nazism. Nazism would have been
  • Nazism would have been

  • ita
    12-30 07:34 PM
    I have many times pondered on the strength/power of dollar value and I feel apart from factors like globalization/petro dollars most important factor is America's politics.

    No matter who is in the White House, no matter what their domestic politics are, no matter what their agreement(s)/disagreement(s) are they follow a well established strategic template on the International arena always keeping their focus on fortifying their super power status/dollar strength.

    Very fact that dollar value is not as low as it should be amidst the current crisis shows the value that dollar is enjoying(when compared to the value of the currencies of other economies that didn't actually collapse as did American economy) may not be the real value but a strategised value.

    Watch this video on globalization (if you have not already watched as it was shared on this forum twice) though it's a bit long and seems like exaggeration at few spots(speaker himself says he may be exaggerating or something like that..) it helps one understand few things.

    Also few facts from this video and some of those youtube videos on terrorism kind of throw another perspective to Iraq war and on the possible Iran strategy.

    But as per the disintegration of America I agree with just shows how some of those guys are still kind of smarting from the disintegration of the U.S.S.R and pepping themselves with such stories.

    This is a bunch of baloney.

    The US has the most trusted currency int he world(sometimes I wonder why, but the fact is it remains such or else its value should rationally be a lot lower right now).

    hair from album apartheid is nazism nazism. On Heidegger#39;s Nazism and
  • On Heidegger#39;s Nazism and

  • clockwork
    02-06 07:52 AM
    Could you please update your profile, like priority date, EB category etc? Is your case in TSC or NSC? Is your priority date current? what is the reason you approached congressman?
    This may give us more insight into your case.

    you mentioned, you changed job using AC21. SOC code same. Is there any salary difference?
    Is this a consulting job?

    Finally, Do not worry about denial....if the case is strong, you can always fight legally. Wait for denial letter then open MTR/appeal.


    nazism. Nazism
  • Nazism

  • looivy
    01-30 10:43 PM

    This is for a broader discussion.

    Is it possible to move from Tech Consulting to Strategy Consulting or from Tech Consulting to Finance (I-Banking, Trading, Coporate Finance) related jobs on AC21. Non-availability of visa numbers should not be a roadblock to somebody's career aspirations.


    hot Nazism-in-Germany nazism. Nazism
  • Nazism

  • psk79
    07-19 11:25 AM
    Mine.. July 2, 10AM. EB2


    house Fascism and Nazism? nazism. Alternate forms of Nazism
  • Alternate forms of Nazism

  • kavita
    07-02 12:40 PM
    To make an impact, we need in the order of 50,000 to 100,000 letters with their personal US address on it. Anything less doesn't hold any water..

    From what I remember, when we wrote to President Bush, only 5000 letters were sent.
    I dont think a number like 50,000 could ever be reached.

    tattoo the fall of nazism by nazism. people to end Nazism.
  • people to end Nazism.

  • eeezzz
    01-15 05:28 PM
    Yes, you are right. Cases are assigned (not picked), which is done in order they were physically received at the center they are being assigned at. If PD is not current, case is put aside and next file is considered. Due to huge filings in July'07, resultant chaos, and shuffling cases around between centers before entering them in the system, if your file is way below in line (eventhough you deligently made sure to have it with USCIS on July 2, AND your PD is current), no one is going to look at your file, until your turn (in order of final data entry) reaches.

    If I recall correctly, I saw many posts about people called to ask about their 485 case status. And many got response as NC is cleared, waiting to be assigned to a IO and/or waiting for visa number.
    That is why I think when you are current, you are then have a chance to be assigned to an IO, and then be able to get a visa number. I don't think cases have been assigned to IO when CIS receive your I-485 form. And if you look at 's data, many of old PD have been approved, even if their RD is 2008. So I think RD only plays a rule as control how many people can do SR. It is not matter about they will process your case if you are within processing time at all. When your PD is current, you have a chance.

    On Ron's website, he talks about this move in Feb. He thinks there's not enough cases processed(not meet VO's goal) for EB2 China and India, that is why dates move forward. For EB-3, CIS meets VO's goal for the month so VO doesn't advance the date.


    pictures Liberalism and Nazism: some nazism. rehabilitation on Nazism,
  • rehabilitation on Nazism,

  • diptam
    01-15 03:12 PM
    The earlier who mentioned about hard hitting a car on Tree/building to shake the robber and run away is absolutely misleading peoples. There is no reward for bravery or mental sharpness in US for folks who wins a fight with robber or outsmarts them.

    How much the Robber can steal from you - Couple of hundred cash, 5 credit cards ( which you can immediately cancel if you are not injured) and some important contacts. Be Nice with him and give him what he wants, tell them that you understand their situation and be sympathetic and polite with them.

    I once did that and the robber just took 20 bucks from my wallet, 3 Marlboro Lights cigarettes and returned me the rest of money,credit cards,my SSN card and important contact papers and my rest cigarette pack and told me "you look like a nice guy".

    Don't panic seeing robber or don't make the robber panic by shouting or banging your car on the building :) Robbers are just human beings like us with pathetic economic conditions ....

    I have to respectfully disagree with the point 4 you have mentioned.

    If a thug is attacking you, it is best to just obey what ever he is demanding. Under no circumstances, try to outsmart him. Us trying to outsmart a thug during a robbery will be like the thug trying to outsmart us in computer programming.

    If a thug wants the car, just give him the keys and walk away. Insurance will pay us the price of the car - deductible. The same amount we will get, if we take our chance and destroy the car trying to outsmart the guy. And who knows, may be the 'thug' is a cousin of yours trying a prank on you. And in the dark, you could not really see his face.

    Robbers charging your credit card is no big deal either. There are federal laws protecting us on incorrect credit card charges. Would you want to risk your life for just $50?

    dresses Nazism nazism. Iranian Association of Nazism
  • Iranian Association of Nazism

  • diptam
    08-25 02:08 PM
    This strategy worked for lot of folks. But there are some States like CO where no DMV office understands our problem - NJ is not like that at all.

    Good Luck !

    My friend was in a similar situation last yr, He took his all his documents to Trenton DMV and they have given him 90 days extension.

    Try that, Good Luck

    Other Option is convert your H1 Extension to premium and get the approval before your H1 expiration date


    makeup Nazism would have been nazism. Fascism and Nazism?
  • Fascism and Nazism?

  • hindu_king
    04-07 02:08 PM
    There will be no movement in May bulletin, but June bulletin will be Jan 1 2006 for EB2. I'm guessing this based on last 3 years, where there was no movement in May but had significant jump every June.

    girlfriend people to end Nazism. nazism. Nazism as Anti-Feminist Utopia
  • Nazism as Anti-Feminist Utopia

  • Jimi_Hendrix
    10-22 12:45 PM
    While this question may sound redundant, I want to make an honest attempt to understand it. How does creating media awareness translate into making politicians understand the complicated issues suffered by legal immigrants? Further do they give any weightage to the fact that the stories are in the media and therefore they need attention?

    I am biased towards the opinion that we might have already run enough media stories. I believe that the real fight now is to convince the politicians to do something about it. Propaganda and lobbying is the only thing that works with politicians in this country. And you have to choose a medium that politicians directly refer to. Meeting politicians and their representatives in person is most effective I believe. With due respect to your views, Pappu, can we discuss some of these questions?

    hairstyles Nazism nazism. Refugees from Nazism
  • Refugees from Nazism

  • gcpain
    04-09 02:27 PM
    I just want to point out one missing thing here. I read all postings here and you guys talking about "People like lallu, Jaya, Karunanidhi, Naidu etc,". Might be you will add some more names for this category. I am sure most of the above patriotic Indians will not like to add names like Bal Thackeray, Modi etc. Majority of you guys like to add names like Dawood ibrahim (I hate guys who kill other human being including this guy) to bad guys list. At least people like "lallu, Jaya, Karunanidhi, Naidu etc" are Ok (that does not mean they are good). They kill one or two (might be 10/50) for their self interest and money. Guys like Bal Thackeray, Modi killing entire community openly by taking Police support. Same time so called patriotic-Indians elect these guys and make chief ministers. I always wonder when Thackeray, Modi can become ministers after committing such atrocities and walk freely in India, why can't people like Dawood Ibrahim (after all he is also indian and successful in his own profession).

    You guys may think that I am racist by reading above lines. From bottom of my heart I vote for punishing all bad guys ( irrespective of their religion) who harm innocent human beings. Long live India����..

    05-22 03:02 PM

    Contribute NOW

    if not ... When & Why ??????????????

    08-11 12:31 PM
    Can some one clarify if the PD is based on the day labor application was received or the day it was approved?

    My I140 states it as the day it was approved.

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